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University College
Glenn R. Jones College of Business
Glenn R. Jones College of Business, Department of Information Systems
College of Education
College of Health and Human Services
ACC - Accounting
ANT - General Education
ART - General Education
BAN - Business Analytics
BHA - Health Administration
BHD - Health Sciences
BHE - Health Sciences
BHS - Health Sciences
BIO - General Education
BPH - Health Sciences
BUS - Business
CAR - Career
CHEM - General Education
CJA - Criminal Justice
CMG - Business
COM - Communications
CSC - Computer Science
DBA - Business
DEL - Education
DHA - Health Administration
DHS - Health Sciences
DIH - Health Sciences
DIS - Dissertation
DOC - Business
DSP - Doctoral Studies Project
ECO - Economics
ECOL - General Education
EDD - Education
EDM - Homeland Security
EDU - Education
ENG - General Education
EOH - Health Sciences
ETH - Ethics
FIN - Finance
HIS - General Education
HLS - Homeland Security
HRM - Human Resources
ISS - Education
ITM - Information Technology
LEAD - Business
LED - Business
LIB - Seminar
LOG - Business
MAT - Math
MGT - Business
MHA - Health Administration
MHD - Health Sciences
MHE - Health Sciences
MHS - Health Sciences
MIC - General Education
MIH - Health Sciences
MKT - Business
MPH - Health Sciences
NCM - Business
OPM - Business
ORG - Business
PATH - General Education
PBA - Business
PED - General Education
PHI - General Education
POL - General Education
PRM - Business
PRS - General Education
PSY - General Education
RDS - Research and Doctoral Studies
RES - Business
RMS - Research
SAF - Safety Management
SOC - General Education
SVC - General Education
TUX - General Education
Academic Faculty and Staff
Teach-Out - Programs, Certificates, and Courses
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ACC 201
Financial Accounting
ACC 202
Managerial Accounting
ACC 310
Managerial Cost Analysis
ACC 403
Principles of Accounting
ACC 501
Accounting for Decision Making
ACC 601
Financial/Managerial/Behavioral Accounting
ANT 100
Stress and the Human Body
ANT 150
Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab
ANT 250 II
Anatomy and Physiology II
ANT 250 II L
Anatomy and Physiology II L
ART 101
Art History
BAN 518
Visual Analytics
BAN 583
Data Mining
BAN 584
Enterprise Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
BHA 201
Foundations of Health Administration
BHA 240
Introduction to Research Utilization
BHA 310
Introduction to Legal and Ethical Aspects of Healthcare
BHA 320
Management of Health Programs
BHA 370
Strategic Delivery of Healthcare Services
BHA 415
Topics in Health Care Policy
BHA 427
Health Care Finance
BHA 435
Healthcare Quality Assessment and Improvement
BHA 480
Health Information System
BHA 499
Senior Capstone Project
BHD 404
Health Promotion, Program Planning, Design and Evaluation
BHD 421
Perspectives in Community Health Education
BHD 461
Health Education Program Administration
BHE 200
Essentials of Public Health
BHE 226
Health Communication and Advocacy
BHE 310
Health Promotion, Disease Prevention
BHE 418
Health Behavior
BHS 101
Technology, Innovation, and Critical Thinking for Health Science
BHS 210
Introduction to Epidemiology
BHS 220
Introduction to Health Statistics
BHS 380
Global Health and Health Policy
BHS 414
Cross-Cultural Health Perspectives
BHS 450
Health Care Delivery Systems
BHS 470
Strategic Planning and Sustainability of Health Programs
BHS 499
Senior Capstone Project
BIO 101
Introduction to Biology
BPH 422
Public Health Law and Policy
BPH 499
Senior Capstone in Public Health
BUS 101
Technology, Innovation, and Critical Thinking for Business, HRM, and Leadership
BUS 201
Introduction to Management
BUS 205
Business Law
BUS 280
Communications in Business
BUS 303
Business Communication
BUS 401
International Business
BUS 500
Financial Intelligence
BUS 502
Principles of Business
BUS 503
Organizational Change and Transformation
BUS 520
Business Analytics and Decision Making
BUS 530
Managerial Economics
CAR 397
Strategic Career Preparation & Decision Making
CAR 597
Career Planning & Development Course for Business & Information Systems Graduate
CHEM 110
General Chemistry I with Lab
CHEM 111
General Chemistry II with Lab II
CJA 201
Criminology and Public Policy
CJA 302
Criminal Justice Systems
CJA 401
Criminal Justice Administration
CJA 490
Capstone Course in Criminal Justice Administration
CMG 301
Fundamentals of Contract Management/Administration
CMG 302
Negotiation, Pricing, and Conflict Resolution
CMG 402
Fundamentals of Purchasing and Purchase Management
COM 100
Public Speaking (1 Semester Hour)
CSC 111L
Foundations of Computing and Program Design
CSC 112
Assembly Language
CSC 121L
Foundations of Computing II
CSC 202
Calculus for Computer Sciences I
CSC 210
Operating Systems and Security
CSC 212
Intermediate Object Oriented Programming
CSC 240L
Network Fundamentals
CSC 245L
Network Defense
CSC 260L
Ethical hacking and Intrusion Detection
CSC 310
Advanced Programming Topics
CSC 312
Data Structures and Algorithms in Programming
CSC 316
Database Systems I
CSC 320L
Networking Fundamentals
CSC 330
Computer System Architecture
CSC 340
Networking and Data Communications
CSC 350
AWS Cloud Foundations
CSC 351
AWS Cloud Developing
CSC 352
AWS Cloud Operations
CSC 353
AWS Cloud Architecting
CSC 414
Advanced Networking: Wireless, Hybrid Networks
CSC 416
Information Security and Technology in Society
CSC 420
Network Security
CSC 421
Introduction to Cryptography
CSC 424
Software Engineering
CSC 425
BSCS Integrated Project
DBA 680
Independent Study
DEL 601
Health Promotion Program Planning Design and Evaluation
DEL 603
Health Behavior and Change
DEL 612
Program Evaluation in Education
DEL 614
Research in Education Leadership
DEL 651
Graduate Teaching Assistant Practicum 1
DEL 652
Graduate Teaching Assistant Practicum 2
DEL 653
Graduate Teaching Assistant Practicum 3
DHA 600
Introduction to Doctoral Studies and Research Methods
DHA 612
Applied Research Methods
DHA 619
Current Issues in Health Administration Research
DHA 620
Applied Statistics for Research
DHA 621
Health Care Law, Regulation and Ethics
DHA 650
Health Care Finance
DHA 698
Strategic Planning for Health Care Organizations
DHA 699 I
Doctoral Study Prospectus
DHS 640
Qualitative Research
DHS 652
Research Seminar
DHS 660
Linking Theory to Research
DIH 620
Current Issues in Global Health Research
DIH 633
Global Epidemiology
DIH 697
Health Equity
DIS 700
Dissertation I
DIS 701
Dissertation II
DIS 702
Dissertation III
DIS 703
Dissertation IV
DOC 600
Introduction to Doctoral Studies and Research Methods
DOC 640
Case Study and Action Research
DOC 650
Technology and Business Process Improvement
DOC 660
Innovation and Creativity in Business
DOC 670
Applied Statistics for Research in Business and Management
DSP 700
Doctoral Study Project I
DSP 701
Doctoral Study Project II
DSP 702
Doctoral Study Project III
ECO 220
Principles of Economics
ECOL 100
The Economics of Biodiversity
EDD 601
Organizational Ethics and Equity
EDD 602
Leadership Theory and Practice
EDD 604
Strategic Planning and Change Management
EDD 605
Applied Research
EDD 607
Advanced Applied Research
EDD 608
Designing a Doctoral Study: Identifying the Problem of Practice
EDD 609
Designing a Doctoral Study: Literature Review
EDD 611
Finance for Educational Leaders
EDD 613
Evidence Based Decisions and Accountability
EDD 630
Principles of Instructional Leadership
EDD 631
School Reform
EDD 633
Law and Policy in Education
EDD 636
Dimensions of Teacher Leadership
EDD 641
Higher Education Administration
EDD 642
Student Development Theory
EDD 644
Curriculum in Higher Education
EDD 650
Advanced Learning Theory
EDD 651
Advanced Instructional Design
EDD 652
Instructional Technology in Education
EDD 653
Instructional Design Practicum
EDM 402
Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability and Protection
EDM 403
Survey of Emergency and Disaster Management
EDM 411
Emergency Transportation and Transshipment Logistics
EDM 412
Emergency Healthcare Logistics in Disasters
EDM 501
Domestic Terrorism
EDM 502
Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability and Protection
EDM 510
Dynamic Disaster Management Logistics
EDM 511
Emergency Transportation and Transshipment Logistics
EDM 512
Emergency Healthcare Logistics in Disasters
EDU 501
History and Policy in U.S. Education
EDU 504
Educational Research
EDU 506
Law and Ethics in Education
EDU 508
Diversity in U.S. Education
EDU 509
Leadership and Organizational Theory
EDU 510
Teacher and Administrative Roles in Online Learning
EDU 511
Managing the Classroom and Communication in Online Learning
EDU 512
Designing and Delivering Effective Instruction in the Online Classroom
EDU 513
Using Assessments in the Online Classroom
EDU 520
Adult Education and Society
EDU 521
Adult Learning Theory
EDU 522
Assessment of Adult Learners and Instructional Strategies
EDU 523
Instructional Design and Technology in Adult Education
EDU 530
Foundations of Early Childhood Development
EDU 531
Research in Early Childhood Education
EDU 532
Effective Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education
EDU 533
Administration of Child Development Centers
EDU 540
Instructional DesignModels
EDU 541
Curriculum Development in K-12 Education
EDU 542
Measurement and Assessment in Curriculum Design
EDU 543
Current Issues in Technology and Learning
EDU 550
Administration and Leadership of Aviation Education
EDU 551
Curriculum Development and Instruction in Aviation Education
EDU 552
Aviation Safety Education
EDU 553
Current Research in Aviation Education
EDU 560
Change Management for Student Success
EDU 561
Instructional Leadership
EDU 562
Community Partnership and Engagement
EDU 563
Human Resources, Budget, and Finance in Education
EDU 570
Case Studies in Higher Education Leadership
EDU 571
Inclusive Higher Education Programs, Services, and Practices
EDU 572
Program Development and Assessment in Higher Education
EDU 573
Human Resources, Budget, and Finance in Higher Education
EDU 580
The Role of Athletics in Student Identity and Development
EDU 581
Theories and Models of Coaching Sports
EDU 582
Athletics Finance and Marketing
EDU 583
Athletics Governance and Policy
EDU 590
Master of Arts in Education Integrative Seminar Capstone
ENG 101
English Composition I
ENG 102
English Composition II
ENG 103
Composition and Literature
ENG 120
Introduction to Business Writing
ENG 201
American Literature
EOH 402
Fundamentals of Environmental and Occupational Health
EOH 408
Environmental and Occupational Health Administration
EOH 410
Environmental and Occupational Health Regulations and Standards
EOH 502
Fundamentals of Environmental and Occupational Health
EOH 508
Environmental and Occupational Health Administration
EOH 510
Environmental and Occupational Health Regulations and Standards
ETH 101
Introduction to Ethics
ETH 301
Business Ethics
ETH 501
Business Ethics
FIN 100
Introduction to Financial Literacy
FIN 301
Principles of Finance
FIN 397
Personal Finance
FIN 501
Strategic Corporate Finance
FIN 601
Studies in Corporate Finance
FIN 610
Advanced Strategic Corporate Finance
HIS 101
Modern World History: 1800 to Present
HIS 201
American History I: Before 1877
HIS 202
American History II: 1877 and Beyond
HIS 205
History and Impact of the Internet
HLS 101
Gateway to Homeland Security
HLS 210
Fundamentals and Ethics of Homeland Security
HLS 220
Homeland Security and Interagency Planning
HLS 230
Preventing Homeland Infiltration: Air, Ground, and Maritime
HLS 320
Homeland Security and Interagency Planning
HLS 330
Preventing Homeland Infiltration: Air, Ground and Maritime
HLS 440
Potential Threats to Homeland Security
HLS 450
Catastrophic Events and Responses
HLS 460
Intelligence and Law Enforcement
HLS 470
Cyber and Physical Security Vulnerabilities and Methodologies
HLS 471
Introduction to Cybersecurity
HLS 472
Cyber Threat Intelligence
HLS 473
Cyberterrorism and Cyber Warfare
HLS 480
Homeland Recovery and Continuity of Operations
HLS 499
Homeland Security Capstone Course
HLS 501
Introduction to Homeland Security
HLS 502
Intelligence Analysis and Homeland Security
HLS 503
Homeland Crisis Management
HLS 571
Introduction to Cybersecurity
HLS 572
Cyber Threat Intelligence
HLS 573
Cyberterrorism and Cyber Warfare
HLS 599
Capstone Course
HRM 401
Staffing Organizations
HRM 402
Training and Development
HRM 403
Global HRM
HRM 404
HR Information Systems
HRM 520
Staffing, Performance Management and Training
HRM 522
Employment and Labor Relations
HRM 599
Integrative Capstone
ISS 591
Advanced Learning Theory
ISS 592
Advanced Instructional Design
ISS 593
Instructional Technology in Education
ISS 594
Instructional Design Practicum
ISS 595
Applied Research in Education
ISS 596
Evidence Based Decisions in Education
ITM 203
Information Security Management and Ethics
ITM 205
Object-Oriented Programming
ITM 206
Introduction to Business Process and ERP Systems
ITM 301
Principles of Information Systems in Business and Organization
ITM 423
Systems Acquisition, Systems Development, and Project Management
ITM 426
Systems Analysis and Design I
ITM 433
Human Computer Interaction
ITM 438
Information Security Management and Assurance
ITM 490
Capstone in Information Technology Management
ITM 517
Information Security Overview for Managers and Policy Makers
ITM 524
Foundations of Information Technology Management
ITM 525
Management of Information Technology in Organizations
ITM 527
IT Security and Disaster Recovery Management
ITM 537
Principles of Information Security Auditing and Digital Forensics
ITM 540
Database and Knowledge-Base Management
ITM 550
Network Planning and Administration
ITM 580
Strategic Planning for IT
ITM 590
Integrative Project (Capstone Course)
ITM 603
Foundations of Information Systems Research
ITM 604
Seminar in Information Systems
LEAD 600
Introduction to Research in Leadership
LEAD 601
Leadership Theory and Research
LED 201
Human Relations in Leadership
LED 402
Leadership Training and Development
LED 514
Mentoring and Developing Employees
LED 520
Cross-Cultural Communication and Leadership
LED 560
Leadership and Strategy
LED 599
MSL Integrative Project
LIB 597
Online Research Course for Graduate Students and Researchers (1 Semester Hour)
LOG 301
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
LOG 302
Operations Management Control
LOG 401
Introduction to Global Logistics Management
LOG 501
Managing the Supply Chain
LOG 503
Managing Logistics Operations
MAT 101
College Mathematics
MAT 106
Discrete Mathematics
MAT 150
College Algebra
MAT 201
Basic Statistics
MGT 280
Principles of Management
MGT 302
Organization Behavior and Teamwork
MGT 401
Leadership and Change
MGT 407
Principles of Human Resource Management
MGT 411
Advanced Topics in Human Resource Management
MGT 412
Human Resource Management and Law
MGT 420
Power, Influence, and Persuasion
MGT 422
Decision Making for Leaders
MGT 423
Organizational Development and Change
MGT 491
Capstone in Human Resource Management
MGT 499
Strategic Management
MGT 501
Management and Organizational Behavior
MGT 506
Strategic Leadership
MGT 508
Leadership of Teams
MGT 509
Human Resource Management
MGT 511
Advanced Topics in Human Resource Management
MGT 516
Legal Implications in Human Resource Management
MGT 599
Strategic Management
MGT 610
Organizations, Management and Leadership
MGT 699
Special Topics in Management
MHA 500
Health Care Delivery Systems
MHA 510
Health Care Organizational Behavior, Development, & Governance
MHA 520
Health Care Policy
MHA 530
Legal and Ethical Issues of Health Administration
MHA 540
Introduction to Quality Assurance
MHA 550
Health Care Finance
MHA 560
Health Information Systems
MHA 570
Health Care Leadership and Strategy
MHA 598
Health Administration Capstone Course
MHD 504
Health Promotion, Program Planning, Design and Evaluation
MHD 508
Health Behavior and Change
MHD 521
Perspectives in Community Health Education
MHD 561
Health Education Program Administration
MHE 503
Survey of Emergency and Disaster Management
MHE 509
Emergency Planning and Methodology
MHE 511
Emergency Operations
MHS 502
Cultural Diversity in Health Sciences
MHS 504
Scholarly Writing in the Health Sciences
MHS 506
MHS 599
MSHS Integrative Project
MIC 101
Microbiology with Lab
MIH 521
Health Program Evaluation
MIH 527
Environmental Health Assessment
MKT 301
Principles of Marketing
MKT 425
Search Optimization Applications
MKT 435
Social Media Strategy
MKT 445
Digital Media
MKT 455
Marketing Analytics
MKT 501
Strategic Marketing
MKT 535
Social Media Marketing Management
MKT 545
Online Marketing, SEO & SEM
MKT 555
Digital Brand-Building
MKT 601
Marketing Management Strategy
MKT 604
Buyer Decision Making and Behavior
MKT 610
Advanced Strategic Marketing
MPH 504
MPH 522
Public Health Law and Policy
NCM 501
Foundations of Conflict Resolution Management
NCM 511
Mediation and Arbitration
NCM 512
Negotiation Strategies
OPM 300
Introduction to Operations Management
OPM 500
Operations Management for Managers
ORG 601
Organizational Studies I
ORG 602
Organizational Studies II
ORG 605
Organizational Change
PATH 100
PED 197A
Introduction to Weight Training
PED 197B
PHI 201
Introduction to Western Philosophy
POL 201
Global Politics in the Modern World
POL 202
American Government
PRM 301
Introduction to Project Management
PRM 490
Project Management Integration
PRS 290
Leadership Capstone Project
PRS 299
Capstone Project
PSY 100
Psychology of Success (1 Semester Hour)
PSY 101
Introduction to Psychology
RDS 699B
RDS 699E
RDS 699H
RES 500
Research Methods for the Health Sciences
RES 600
Introductory Data Analysis
RES 601
Research Design and Fieldwork
RES 602
Research Model Development
RES 603
Advanced Data Management and Analysis
RES 610
Advanced Multivariate Data Analysis
RES 699
Directed Study in Research Methods
RMS 600
Research Methods
RMS 608
Quantitative Research and Advanced Statistics I
RMS 611
Research Design
RMS 618
Quantitative Research and Advanced Statistics II
SAF 301
Life Safety and Hazard Control
SAF 302
Safety and Occupational Health Management
SAF 401
Risk Management
SAF 490
Safety Management Concentration Capstone Course
SOC 201
Introduction to Sociology
SVC 101
Introduction to Speech and Verbal Communications
TUX 101
Trident University Experience
TUX 105
Introduction to Online Education and Learning Technology
TUX 301
Trident University Experience for Students in Transition