Loan Cancellation
When Trident credits any student's account with loan funds, the student will receive notice of the following:
- The date and amount of the disbursement.
- The student's right to cancel all or a portion of the loan and have the loan proceeds returned to the lender.
- The process of applying funds to cover current charges within the loan period and up to $200 of any prior account balances.
- The procedures by which the student must notify Trident that he/she wishes to cancel the loan or loan disbursement. This notice will be sent no earlier than 30 days before and no later than 30 days after the student's account is credited.
These notices are sent electronically, and a record of the notice will be maintained by the Student Finance Department. If a student notifies Trident that the student wishes to cancel all or a part of a loan, Trident must return and cancel the loan within 14 days of receiving the student’s written notice. Trident must inform the student either in writing or electronically as to the outcome of any request for loan cancellation.
Please contact the Student Finance Department at if you have any questions about financial aid.