Graduate Teaching Practicum
The Graduate Teaching Practicum offers Ph.D. in Educational Leadership students meaningful, sustained, and practical teaching experience. The practicum offers current doctoral students with teaching experience and course development experience in the online classroom environment.
Graduate Teaching Practicum Requirements:
Students accepted to the Graduate Teaching Practicum are required to complete three courses over three sessions and must maintain enrollment in dissertation coursework while enrolled as a GTA. The GTA Practicum Experience courses are 1-unit courses and students are subject to applicable tuition. A GTA who is eligible for employment and assigned to teach a course or complete course development as part of the Graduate Teaching Practicum will be compensated. Upon successful completion of the coursework, students receive recognition for completion of the Graduate Teaching Practicum. The learning outcomes of each session are provided below.
DEL 651: Graduate Teaching Assistant Practicum 1
- Describe and distinguish, in a comprehensive manner, pedagogical theories, pedagogical models, concepts, principles, learning styles, and/or practices in online education.
- Communicate proficiently in a professional manner with others in the field of education through scholarly writing with skilled oral and written presentations to general and specialized audiences.
DEL 652: Graduate Teaching Assistant Practicum 2
- Understand instructional models in the online learning environment.
- Develop critical thinking skills necessary to assess and evaluate online curriculum and instructional design.
- Understand diverse viewpoints and the role of multiculturalism in online instruction.
DEL 653: Graduate Teaching Assistant Practicum 3
- Develop a teaching philosophy.
- Create a teaching portfolio.
- Apply instructional practices to an online learning environment.
Graduate Teaching Assistant Selection Process:
A Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) is selected and placed by the Director of the Ph.D. E.L. Program through a competitive application process. A Ph.D. E.L. student must be currently enrolled and meet the minimum requirements:
- Demonstrate an exceptional academic record of achievement in doctoral level coursework.
- Successfully passed the qualifying exam.
- Actively working on the dissertation study
Graduate Teaching Practicum Application:
Doctoral students that meet the minimum requirements and are interested in a Graduate Teaching Practicum should apply to the Director of the Ph.D. E.L. Program. Applications are due 30 days prior to the start of the next session. Application documents include:
- A letter of interest that addresses 1) why the applicant is interested in the teaching practicum and how it will contribute the doctoral experience, 2) how a teaching practicum aligns with immediate or long-term career and/or professional goals, and 3) relevant prior teaching or tutoring experience.
- Current resume.
- Letter of recommendation from a Trident Professor.