Grade Appeal
Although Trident presumes that grades assigned are correct, the University has established this grade appeal policy and procedure both to protect students against academic and administrative evaluations and decisions that may be alleged as prejudicial, capricious, or arbitrary, and to preserve the authority of professors to evaluate student work in a non-prejudicial, objective, and consistent manner. This policy and procedure, available equally to undergraduate and graduate students, allows students to appeal final course grades only. Students who believe that the grade(s) received on individual assignments 1) were prejudicial, capricious, or arbitrary, and 2) had a direct bearing on the student’s final course grade, should provide proof in the form of supporting documentation when filing a grade appeal. The final grade on the student record could be lower, higher, or the same as the grade initially appealed.
Students are required to follow published procedure relating to grade appeals, as outlined below.
The following apply to all appeals to final course grades:
Level 1 Appeal:
- A grade appeal must be submitted within 10 business days following receipt of the final grade notice.
- Students will submit the initial grade appeal to the professor of record. The student’s professor of record will review all work submitted and assign an appropriate grade within five business days of receipt.
Level 2 Appeal:
- The decision made by the professor of record may be appealed to the Dean/Associate Dean within three business days following formal response from the professor.
- The Associate Dean shall issue a response to the appeal within five business days of receipt.
Level 3 Appeal:
- The student may appeal the decision of the Associate Dean to the Committee on Academic Standards (CAS) within three business days of receipt of the Dean/Associate Dean’s decision.
- The Committee on Academic Standards (CAS) will review supporting documentation provided by the student, all work submitted, and any other documentation relevant to the appeal including but not limited to information on prior appeal decisions and render a final determination within five business days of receipt.
- The CAS may affirm or overturn the prior decision of the Associate Dean or refer to the Dean for a final review and resolution.
Upon final resolution at any level of appeal (professor of record, Dean/Associate Dean, or CAS), a final course grade will be assigned and submitted to the Office of the Registrar.