Research Involving Non-Human Subjects
Trident does not have a standing Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to review and approve those students and faculty conducting research involving Vertebrate Animals. Therefore, students and faculty who wish to conduct research involving Vertebrate Animals, will need seek and obtain approval from an external IACUC, prior to data collection. The Doctoral Studies Director for the PhD in Health Science will serve as Trident’s Point of Contact for all IACUC related matters.
The process for Doctoral students is as follows:
- Following a successful defense of their dissertation proposal, the student must notify their respective Program Director and the Doctoral Studies Director for the PhD in Health Science and forward their study proposal, indicating that it involves vertebrate animals.
- The Doctoral Studies Director for the PhD in Health Science will review the application and determine that an IACUC approval is required.
- Student will need seek and obtain approval from an external IACUC, submitting to IACUC all required forms and documents - to include the study proposal.
- Once the external IACUC approval is obtained (signed and dated), student will forward photocopies to: Doctoral Studies Director for the PhD in Health Science as well as their Program Director, Dissertation Chair, and upload the approval unto their 800 folder.
- The Doctoral Studies Director for the PhD in Health Science will notify the student and their Program Director in writing, that s/he can proceed with data collection.
- Any change in the study that may require IACUC reapproval – will follow the steps outlined above.
- All costs associated with the IACUC approval process will be incurred by the student.